
A cycling mirror on your wrist, how does that work?


Bicycle safety is always on my mind. The roads are getting busier and I’m getting more active with my lycra clad friends at the weekend.

You can get a decent reflective jacket and a bike radar unit (At around £165) to make you safer. They work.

I have tried a mirror that sits at the end of the handlebars but they can break off when you rest your bike against a wall.

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End of stalk mirror

I have also tried the mirror that you can add to the end of a racing cycling bar but that fell off too after a few weeks. The mirror looked a bit naff.

It shook when going along so it is very hard to see a car coming from behind you.

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So I tried out this wrist mirror from Ebay at around £4.99. I tried two positions.

The result is you can only see a car when it’s right beside you.

You have to have your arm bent out to see anything.

A complete waste of money.

So how does it work… it doesn’t so do not buy it.

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