
SIXPAD, 1st use and set up

Set up of the SIXPAD

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I would strongly advise you to read the text below if you have just invested in a SIXPAD otherwise you risk being a little miffed at the set-up and this shouldn’t be the case. It is a little tricky! You have been warned specifically with the gels that come to stick the unit to your tummy. You can mess this up a little like messing up sticking something together with celotape and getting it in a twist.

Inserting the battery

Inside the packaging you’ll find a CR0032 battery and a black disc. You’ll need to use the  black disc to open the battery compartment. Don’t use a coin like a 2 pence piece to try to open the battery unit as you may damage the battery cover by chamfering off plastic. Turn the dial Anti-clockwise from locked to unlocked and open the plastic top by using the “male” part of the black disk in the top gap to “pop” it out (see photo below). Make note of the way the grey cover goes in (Male grey bit at top of unit ) as you can put it back incorrectly making battery replacement very difficult.



Adding the gel stickers

This is the tricky part. I read the instructions and still managed to mess up one of my six gels. The gels stick to the SIXPAD and then allow the unit to stick to your tummy.

The gels have two sides, an orange side and a clear side.

Don’t peel off from the clear side as this won’t work (See X below and image) . Look at the orange cover and you’ll see that the orange covers have a zigzag split in the middle. Get your finger under that and pull off boths sides.

Now you are ready to put the gels on the SIXPAD. Place the gels onto the “six pads” on the SIXPAD one at a time ensuring you get no air bubbles. If you do get a bubble rub it out by placing you finger over the clear cover. Then gently remove the clear plastic watching you don’t remove the gel as you do it.


Switching the product ON and my 1st time!


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