
Tiny Tips. 5 Steps to a new you in 2017

  1. Drink more water daily. Buy a water bottle with levels on it so can see what you are drinking. Download a water drinking App reminder, it does work.bottle
  2. Start, record and measure your exercise. Buy a cheap step counter or a Withing’s Ox, use Apple Health of Google Fit . It doesn’t have to be an expensive product!ox
  3. Change your behaviour. Make one promise on fitness . Perhaps walk more by not taking the lift , take the stairs. Get up at the weekend and put on your gym gear instead of your gear so that you think about exercise from the start of the day.screen-shot-2017-01-02-at-20-30-29
  4. Make your pee clear. Cut down on alcohol. For every reason but mainly it dehydrates you, on top of exercise your pee will be dark yellow. Drink more water.screen-shot-2017-01-02-at-20-37-07
  5. Do something charitable. It is better to give than receive. Go to local charity shop and offer to work there for a few hours a week, perhaps Saturday morning. You will learn a lot about people and how they treat people in shops. You will also meet the nicest people in the world.screen-shot-2017-01-07-at-13-17-41

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